Welcome to Kids Making ChangeAt KMC (Kids Making Change) you will find information that will help you to become a better parent as well as information to help your child grow into an amazing person and happy, well-rounded adult.

These days, kids are taught  a lot of useful information at school, but test-based education leaves little room for the joy and wonder of learning,. It often doesn’t encourage children to think creatively. Their learning journey and life experience needs to go beyond just what they receive at school.

To become a kid who can make change, a child needs a much broader life experience, as well as great personal self esteem and good habits. As parents, we can open up opportunities as well as provide discipline and guidance to our children as they grow. By doing this, we help to develop well-rounded children who are happy, considerate, and able to make a change in their world.

As a parents, we can choose instill habits in our kids that  can do so much: create excellence, strong personal self esteem, a mind that can conceive bigger possibilities than average, the love of learning, the understanding that there are many ways to apply their knowledge to real-life situations, and the ability to see their ideas through to fruition. Often, when children are encouraged to think outside the box, they come up with creative solutions to every day situations. This is when they begin to develop the tools they need to become a kid who can make change.

In this blog, we discuss:

  • Entrepreneurial ideas for kids – helping your kids think outside the box
  • Positive Reinforcement and other behavior management strategies that give you tools to raise awesome kids
  • Parenting Tips, including healthy eating, kids activities, and fun parenting quotes to keep you inspired

We hope you find lots to inspire you as a parent, and plenty that will help your kids become amazing kids making change in their world!